My name is Justin, Currently I am a Capital Projects Manager / Accreditation Manager for a hospital. In my spare time I have been getting into Appraising in which I plan to do full time. With that being said I have completed all of the courses required to become an apprentice. I am an appraisal student here in Columbia, South Carolina. I have taken all my courses online. It’s been a challenge finding a mentor to study under in order to learn how to apply the knowledge I have learned in my courses in the field. If you see this post please comment with some advice, tricks, tips, or even contacts of possible Appraising mentors in my area or State that you may know. I have reached out to just about every appraiser in my area that shows up on the national registry with an active license, but I haven’t had any luck as of yet. I have great attention to detail, I am a very hard worker, and I am I quick learner. If you have any tips or contacts please reach out!
God Bless!
To apply for this job email your details to Justobry75@gmail.com